We provide real solutions to your needs
Not every estate, elder care and medical crisis problem is the same - and their solutions shouldn't be either. After a few years in criminal law, I wanted to do more to help without winners and losers.
By using my information, knowledge and experience, I am committed to saving you time and money, and protect your life's collected assets for those that you love the most. Your wishes, your legacy, is important. And, leaving that, without a bill for your loved one's is even more so.
Let me help you protect your most valuable assets for your most loved ones.
Don't take risks
Estate planning is a process that protects everything that you have, the legacy you've built and the people you want to give that to. Don't neglect planning for the inevitable.
Legal Expertise
Allow me to use my years of experience and knowledge to find the right solution for you. Not every problem is the same - neither are your answers.
Start Today
Beacon offers free in-home, in-person and virtual consultations. There is no obligation to scheduling a necessary and customized conversation to plan your future.